Swedish Door

Swedish Door

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To Sand or Not To Sand Your Work Before Having Your Piece Professionally Finished

[fa icon="calendar'] June 9, 2017 / by Swedish Door posted in Professional Wood Finishing

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Hooray! You’ve put together a beautiful cabinet or a piece of furniture, and it’s now ready to be sent to the Finishing Shop by Swedish Door for that final coat of paint or varnish. The thing you might be wondering is if Swedish Door will just take care of that last little piece of work known as sanding.


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Will the Finishing Shop By Swedish Door Package My Product for Transport?

[fa icon="calendar'] May 26, 2017 / by Swedish Door posted in Professional Wood Finishing, wood finishing spray booths

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So you’re a contractor or carpenter who has had a product painted or varnished by the Finishing Shop by Swedish Door. You’re probably wondering if we’ll package the items for transport. The short answer is yes.

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What Type of Finish Will The Professional Wood Finishing Shop Use On My Products?

[fa icon="calendar'] May 19, 2017 / by Swedish Door posted in Professional Wood Finishing

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If you’re using a finishing shop, such as the Finishing Shop by Swedish Door, for your woodworking projects, the natural question you might ask is: what kind of finish is used? It’s a really good question.

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The Professional Wood Finishing Spray Booths that Can Take on Any Finishing Project

[fa icon="calendar'] April 28, 2017 / by Swedish Door posted in wood finishing spray booths

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Wood finishing goes back thousands of years. In fact, the very first reference to wood finishing comes in the Genesis story of Noah, where God commanded him to use pitch on the ark he was building.

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Repainting Office Furniture With a Professional Wood Finishing Shop in Ottawa

[fa icon="calendar'] April 21, 2017 / by Swedish Door posted in Professional Wood Finishing

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If you’re a contractor working on sprucing up an office space, you might be wondering about its furniture. It’s no secret that office furniture is heavily used, but it still needs to look professional despite all of that wear and tear. For that reason, you might be thinking of replacing office furniture. The problem is, a lot of office furniture made today is prefabricated and isn’t really built to last. If you’ve got vintage furniture in the office you’re working on, it may just be good enough to repaint it.

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4 Reasons You Shouldn't Use a Professional Wood Finishing Shop for Your Project

[fa icon="calendar'] April 12, 2017 / by Swedish Door posted in Professional Wood Finishing

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You might be thinking of using a professional wood finishing shop for whatever woodworking project you have in mind. Don’t do it! To do this would be absolutely absurd! What could a wood finishing shop know about wood? Do you actually think that a wood finishing shop knows what it is doing? Of course not!

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The Pros and Cons of Repainting a Kitchen with a Professional Wood Finishing Shop.

[fa icon="calendar'] April 6, 2017 / by Swedish Door posted in Professional Wood Finishing

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Doing a renovation of your home? Maybe you’re living in an outdated home and want to refresh the kitchen without rebuilding it from scratch. But maybe you want to resell, and know the kitchen is going to get a lot of attention because that’s going to be the place where potential home buyers are going to look first, along with the bathrooms. In either case, you might be thinking that giving a facelift to your kitchen is a good plan.

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What You Need to Know Before Working with a Professional Wood Finishing Shop in Ottawa.

[fa icon="calendar'] March 31, 2017 / by Swedish Door posted in Professional Wood Finishing

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You’re a woodworker or a carpenter and have a product that needs finishing, whether it be cabinet doors for a kitchen or bathroom, or moulding or panels. You might be thinking of taking the finishing job, which could be complex, out of your shop. However, the question remains: “What do I need to know before I go to work with a professional wood finishing shop here in Ottawa?” Good question, and we’re here to help!

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The Opportunity Cost Associated with Outsourcing Your Project to a Professional Wood Finishing Shop

[fa icon="calendar'] March 22, 2017 / by Swedish Door posted in Professional Wood Finishing

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So you’re a maker of kitchen or bathroom cabinets, or perhaps you produce furniture. At the end of the job, you’re going to have finishing or painting work to do.

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4 Benefits to Using a Professional Wood Finishing Shop for Your Project

[fa icon="calendar'] March 17, 2017 / by Swedish Door posted in Professional Wood Finishing

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You’ve made a beautiful piece of furniture or a cabinet, but you aren’t, ahem, “finished” yet. You need to finish the wood, primarily to protect it from moisture and the environment. But the big question is, should you do it yourself or hire a professional wood finishing shop in Ottawa for the project?

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